Our Story
Professional Experience in Hospitality and Wellness
Whether you’re visiting Southern Alberta or you’ve lived here for years, there’s always an opportunity to take in incredible views and vistas. We are proud to have called this area home for two generations. Our signature hospitality, array of separate amenities and specialized Wellness Services allows us to be a premier spot for all travellers.
From our roots in the incredible Waterton National Park, to sharing our love of Wellness with the world, Corner Mountain Inn and Wellness Centre is an open space to all people looking to relax, refresh, and rejuvenate.
A Message From Janet
I grew up in the Crown of the continent, Waterton Lakes National Park, at the Kilmorey Lodge. The Park and the hospitality industry opened my eyes to the needs of others and influenced my decision to choose nursing as a career. I love working with people and I love the outdoors.
After moving to the city in the 70’s, to purse my education and working in the hospital setting, much changed in a few years. I could see there was a big difference between illness care and wellness care and that I couldn’t change the system. What I had taken for granted as a child, the clean air and water, wholesome foods and natural environment was gone. I had my share of health issues and it was time for a change.
The mountains called me home in the 90’s. My job was affecting my health, so I quit, bought a boat rental at Cameron Lake in Waterton Park and started my Wellness Business. Living and working in the Crown of the Continent does wonderful things to you. The smells of balsam fir and spruce trees help lower your blood pressure. The sound of snow melting, running streams and aspens trembling refresh you. Watching the bird’s gather and fly helps your spirit lift and soar. The ebb and flow of the seasons makes one grateful for the gifts of creation. Your body, mind and soul find balance. Healing takes place and wellness can flourish.
Eighteen years ago, I found essential oils and the Young Living lifestyle was a perfect fit. For a few years, I was a “closet” oil user. But, with the help of essential oils, supplements and a better environment, I reclaimed my health.
Today, you will find me living and sharing wellness every day at Corner Mountain Inn & Wellness Centre. I teach people how to sustain their health and wellbeing and at the same time sustain my business, the environment and myself. Detoxification, nutrition and lifestyle are the keys for wellness. You don’t have to move up to the mountains to reclaim your health. At Corner Mountain Inn & Wellness Centre, we offer essential oil treatments, a wet cedar sauna and wellness coaching to help on your wellness journey. I share my lifestyle and the lifestyle that Young Living offers because of my experience and their legacy as the originator and leader of the essential oil movement.
Finding your wellness is the answer. I would love to help you on your journey.
Your Host,
Janet Casey
Looking for those Secret Adventure Spots?
We know where they are, let us help you set up an amazing day full of adventure and wonder!
All photos Courtesy of Mill Canyon Photography